Women’s Bible Study

What does true saving faith in Jesus look like?

Title: “Faith: a Bible Study on James” by Keri Folmar
Dates: Tuesdays, 8/27-11/12
Time: 6:15-8:15 PM
Location: Grace Chapel HUB
Join us as we dig into the book of James, a 5-chapter epistle that spurs a suffering church on to live authentic lives of faith. Originally written to Jewish believers scattered among the nations, the book of James challenges faithful followers of Jesus to not just “talk the talk,” but to “walk the walk.” While our spiritual growth requires growing in knowledge about Scripture, James exhorts us to not stop there. He focuses on the truths of Jesus’ words in the Sermon on the Mount and motivates us to act upon what our Savior taught, allowing the Word to transform our hearts and lives.

With live teaching by our own Pastor Josh Kirk, we’ll be encouraged to link arms with our sisters to live lives transformed by the gospel.

We are so sorry, but our REGISTRATION IS FILLED for this semester’s Women’s Bible Study.

 If Grace Chapel is your home church, and you desire to join, please contact Kate at kflora@gracechapel.org

For any further questions contact kflora@gracechapel.org







