How does a biblical worldview influence our approach to politics and government?
How do we address cultural life through a biblical perspective? How does a biblical worldview influence our approach to politics and government?
It’s a great question when it comes to the world that we’re in, the politics and government that seem to have some rule over us. How does our biblical worldview influence that? First, I want to remind you that God is sovereign over all things. In Romans chapter 13, verse one, it says, there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. That means that the Christian’s worldview should be that God has established everything, everything for a purpose. Even the politics and politicians that are in place. All of this is to fulfill his purposes. So we recognize that God is sovereign. He’s ruling the world with his feet up.
But you and I must engage and be wise stewards of what we’ve been entrusted. Scripture tells us that we should be good citizens, obeying government authorities like Romans 13 says, or first Peter chapter two. And that includes paying taxes, showing respect, being subject to rulers. But we also must exercise stewardship using our voice allowing our beliefs to influence the world around us. We’re responsible to steward the influence we’ve been given.
And finally, I want to encourage you that the thing we must steward the most is the gospel of Jesus Christ. We’ve been entrusted with the most important message that the world must hear. So while I get excited and passionate about political or cultural things, ultimately my passion for the gospel must be foremost and same for you. We must make the gospel known to a world that desperately needs it. So let’s be kingdom minded and let’s engage in the world.
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